Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day Of Summer Break!

The first day of summer break. Jon came home from work and wanted to go to Wine's park for a picnic dinner. We didn't do anything special, we ate dinner and then played with the girls on the swings and playground. It was one of those times when I sat back and looked at my family and I realized how lucky and blessed I really am. To have such a awesome husband and three healthy beautiful girls. It was such a fun evening. One I don't think, I will ever forget.


  1. Love these pictures! Your girls are absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Well it's about time! You have the cutest family! Girl power!

  3. We loved, loved, loved these pictures! Glad you're back at it. Lydia loves to see your kids! Tell them hi for us!

  4. Simple, relaxing times are best. What a great way to start the summer. And I'm glad it's not too cold yet to still get in some of those relaxing summer nights.

  5. Ok...I'm all set up with your blog. Your girls are so adorable.
